Friday, December 29, 2006

Going Away!

That's right I'm leaving town for a couple of days. I'll write a post about Christmas when I get back but from the 30th till the 4th I'm going up to the lake to relax and start the new year on a good note.

I want to read, play the gamecube, watch movies, shoot fireworks ( yep I got fireworks, I'll take pictures if I can) and eat a lot...Not to mention have a wonderful time with my loving wife. These past months working all the time have really resulted in me needing to take some time off. Gotta keep the honeymoon going somehow.

Note to Zack and Lindsay: We'll have to do something in January...Think about it.

Note for Jane: I hope that you had a good Christmas in Prince George. Jacqui and I can't wait to hear about your trip...You take so many trips and we take so few.

See you in the new year!