It has been just over 2 weeks since I wrote anything on my blog. Yah that is a long time on the internet but interesting things have been happening in my world.

Just this past weekend Jacqui had family on her side come into town for her wedding shower. I think about 30 people where there and it was a good time for her. As my mom said "You got a big haul" and she was quite right. Lots of gifts were showered upon Jacqui and she really enjoyed it.
While Jacqui was getting ready for her shower on Sunday I was having breakfast with my good friend Mark. We decided to go to Smitty's and just have a chance to visit. It was unexpected that he came into town so it was good to see him. We asked Zack but he was at a pancake breakfast at Melissa's (Lindsay's sisters) Church. Blessed pancakes must be really good...I've never had them before. Anyways It was good to visit with Mark and hopefully he'll have another unexpected weekend off where the 3 of us can go out again.
I'm now about to enter my final exams for this term and time is getting shorter for me. You can expect this to be my last post till the end of April when these classes are done and I have more free time to write my thoughts and feelings.
See you later.
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