You know when you see people walk and they walk with thier toes pointing outward like the penguin? Same thing with the muscles in my eyes. The glasses will make them normal. The good news is I should only wear them when I have eye strain or when my eyes are tired. So it should be less than 10 hours a week. If I wear them too much then my eyes will get used to them and become dependant on them. I don't want that.

Now I just need to prevent (or quit) dropping them.
Ok now it's time for my friends to give me lots of praise for my new glasses...come on....
Yay you've joined the rest of us four eyed freaks!
yeah no kidding.. welcome to the club... now you look like the rest of us :P they look good.. but very artsy.. very very artsy..
:P kerri
Did you expect any less from James?
Kerri how come you never comment at my blog?
You look so much better with glasses! Is the prism helping you to focus better? I may need one too.
Thanks Anon.
I do find that the prisim is helping me a lot. Mainly when I drive and read for long periods.
So who are you? You didn't leave a name...drop me a line at
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