Thursday, November 23, 2006

New and Old

It has been a while since I've posted but I've been feeling just like Zack has. Sure lots of stuff have been going on but it's not interesting...or not worth me sitting at the computer and writing about it. So for the millions of people ( or 3 of you ) who look at this site here is what has been going on since my last post.

- My boss told me that she was ending my contract (9 months early) at GDML in december because the person who I was replacing took a permanent position in the lab. So I had to re-apply for a full time permanent position. I found out today that I got the job again. So I got hired for the same job that I was doing on a contract but now permanent. Woo hoo better benefits!

-I received my two awards on the 21st. They look like candy dishes with the GDML logo and the award name on them. Very nice.

- On the 21st my work car reached 111111 kms on it. I took a picture of it at work when it got there.

-Jacqui and I had our 6 month anniversary on November 20th. Look at how time flies already!

-We had our first oil fondue on the 22nd...Yummy. The chocolate one came after. I was so full from that.

- Computer got some bad viruses that ate my anti-virus software. I had to wipe the comptuer and reload everything. Wasn't as bad as I expected.

-Done my Christmas shopping!

That is about it for now.


Jane said...

Show off. What kind of nut has all their Christmas shopping done already?!
Pffft. That's what I say.

Zack said...

Well its good to see I'm not the only borring one or atleast the only one that feels borring.

Ouch too bad about the computer, hopefully you didn't loose anything too important.

What do you work this Sunday? Mark and I were going to go for some Dim Sum. Dunno if you're into that or not.

Zack said...

Just realized I've been spelling boring wrong. D'oh!

Anonymous said...

LOl.. James your not the only one who's had a boring life lately. Between being Sick and Work I feel like that's all Ive done for the last few weeks. And what's with having all of your shopping done??.. my god... I still have almost everyone to buy for :P

Anonymous said...

By the way Anonymous = Kerri... just so you know :P