Well at long last I finally decided to write some of the things about last Saturday. It started at about 9:30 AM when Zack came over and I loaded up my skis, snowblades (really short trick skies), and my ski bag into his Jetta and we headed off to blackstrap for a day of skiing. We got there and Zack got his snowboard equipment and I got ready. We headed over to the chairlift but when we got to the top it was bloody cold. I mean really cold...So about 40 minutes later we went into the lodge for a hot chocolate and Zack ended up injuring his ankle or something like that. A tendon was strained I think. So while his leg was on fire I went out for a few more runs myself and I had a good time. 2 hours later from when we arrived, we went back on the highway and came back to Saskatoon. It was really good we came back when we did becasue the highways were crap and we probally would have been stuck if we waited later. Good timing on our part.
So we got some clothes from our houses and trunks and we went to my parents to go into the hot tub to relax a bit. Mark came over there and let us and we ended up going to Montana's for drinks and supper. It was a good meal and a good time just visiting with him. Mark doesn't come into town that often now with his job but it was good timing that he came when we did.
We had about 2 hours before we were meeting everyone at "The Broken Cue" so we went to McNally Robinson so Mark could buy a new book and we went and played some racing games at Ruckers for a while. Mark kept on telling the 17 year old girl that this was my stag and he was having a good laugh about it.
8 PM we arrived at the Cue and we played pool and visited till about 11 PM. It was good visiting with everyone. Let's see....Randy (Jacqui's Dad), Jim (My Dad), Bob (My Uncle), Grandpa Harold, Nathan, Dallas were the older ones and then Zack, Mark, and Scott were there. I also had My Friend's Kerri and Lindsay there and that was good as it wasn't a traditional Stag night for me but as Zack said..."You know it's not a normal stag for you. I guess it's more of a celebration of James". So everyone was to celebrate me dammit.
I'm told the food was bad (as Mark had a wing that was bloody on the inside) and the beer was going flat or already flat. Randy wasn't happy about that and I'm told he had talk with the owner about the service there. Otherwise it was a good time there and I enjoyed being with so many people who were thinking about me.
After pool, the younger croud went to BP's for another snack and to chat a bit. It was a nice end to a great day.
I would like to thank my friends who were there to share this moment with me. I only get one of them and I want you to know how much it means to me. Thanks!