Yes my lovely wife Jacqui is going to be 24 on Thursday the 14th. To celebrate her birthday I didn't want to just have her birthday on Thursday but to go wild and give her a birthday week with some special gifts though the days leading up to her Birthday.
Monday September 11th:
I was running late at work so I would be delayed in coming was only a few minutes but I took the excuse and bought Jacqui two dozen roses for her 24th birthday...My dad days that when she is 50 I should give her a picture of 50 roses.

Tuesday September 12th
Today I told Jacqui that I was going to be late and I came home with some other gifts...We have been out of town a lot and this was the only chance I've had in months to buy her a birthday gift. It was a quick trip but I knew exactly what I wanted to get her...
The DVD of Empire Records. Jacqui had this on VHS but she watched it so many times that it wouldn't rewind less you sped it to the end and then forced the VCR to rewind it....DVD's don't have that problem.

Today was also 24 chocolates................ok 27 chocolates but that was because they didn't sell boxes of 24...3 chocolates for me then! Why did Jacqui get two in one day? Well she was saying that she would really love something sweet like chocolate and I had the box all wrapped up in my she got it early.

What tomorrow will being you'll just have to wait and find out.
Apu, you are making us all look bad.
Pass along a happy birthday to Jacqui. Her b'day is one day before Lindsay's. Guess what everyone was doing at Christmas? ;)
Thanks (but no one needs to think about what "everyone" was doing at Christmas)!
I just noticed that an awful lot of people have September birthdays. Myself, you, Lindsay, Marks is close...
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