Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Buy my Game Boy!

OK I've hopped on the eBay wagon. It's time for someone to buy my gameboy because I want a Nintendo DS Lite. Jacqui says I'm a geek but she helped me list it on eBay.

Look at all the good stuff you get:
-A very good condition Game Boy Advance SP (no little kid fingers on it)
-Cool charger (good for keeping it working)
-A charger base (for when you don't want it just sitting anywhere)
- A clear cover (so you don't wreck the finish when you're eating ships and playing)



Jane said...

Pffft. Gameboy, shameboy. Now, harry potter computer games...that's another story! ;)

James said...

Oh we have Nintendo Gamecube video games...let's see...
-Quiditich Word Cup
-Harry Potter 2 & 3

3 out of 12 games isn't too bad...

I just want to move to the DS lite so I can play more games at work.

Zack said...

Looks like your auction is getting some traffic. Hopefully you get lots of money for your Gameboy. Good work on mentioning that it has been adult played. I'm sure that will help people realize that they are getting a quality piece.

James said...

yah. I see that you asked a question about it. So are you going to buy it? Give me a call and tell me what's going on...It looks like you since the buyer drhemi426cu likes to buy lanterns too.

Zack said...

I got your phone message from Friday. I wasn't going to buy it I just wanted to ask that question. Hopefully once you realised it was me, you knew that I was just yanking your chain.

James said...

Yah I figured that you were. The Auction ends tonight in just over 9 hours so we'll see how much it goes for. I hope that it goes up some more.