Thursday, October 27, 2005


Last night I discovered a website that I forgot about for a long time. The website can be found at and it has a very funny squirrel named Foamy. I really suggest that everyone takes a look at the toons section of the site and enjoy watching the videos. Now it does contain some really strong language so watch out for that (and if you like that sort of thing then turn up the speakers some more).

I was bored in studying for a Math Exam so I was looking around the internet and found it. It just shows that studying may be what you're supposed to be doing but what you're actually doing may be really off.

As a side note Friday Jacqui is going to Swan River to visit her Baba and family there with her Mom. I'm going to be all on my lonesome till Sunday...Maybe one of my friends will give me a call. (get a hint!)

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